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Sugar Machinery

Sugar Machinery

Product Details:

  • Product Type Sugar Machinery
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Automatic Yes
  • Control System PLC Control
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Sugar Machinery Product Specifications

  • Stainless Steel
  • PLC Control
  • Yes
  • Sugar Machinery

Product Description

Sugar Machinery

We are named among the leading organizations, engaged in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of Sugar Machinery. We manufacture the machinery, under the strict supervision of the expert professionals using best quality of raw materials. We check the machinery on construction and performance parameters to provide a flawless range to the clients. Our Sugar Machinery can be customized in different specifications as per the client's requirements. Moreover, we offer the machinery at the market leading prices.


  • Robust construction
  • Longer working life
  • Hassle free operation


Further Details:


Boilers for Sugar, Power, Chemical and Other Industries

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., has its manufacturing units located at Vuyyuru and Lakshmipuram, Andhra Pradesh. Our manufacturing range includes Sugar, Industrial Alcohol, Denatured Spirit, Acetic Acid, Ethanol and Bio Fertilizers. Under the supervision of qualified and experienced personnel, Vuyyuru unit is manufacturing sophisticated Engineering equipments for various industries for the past five decades. Its main strength lies with its technical commitment and the vast experience of manufacturing Sugar plant equipments and boilers for various industries.

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., offers highly efficient bagasse fired steam generators of natural circulation design for sugar/co-generation plants with the technical collaboration of Avant-Garde Engineers and Consultants (P) Ltd.

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., has manufactured one TPH and two 100 TPH boliers at Vuyyuru and one 70 TPH boiler at Lakshmipuram, all designed by Avant-Garde Engineers and Consultants (P) Ltd. We have also manufactured many components for boilers with different capacity for Sugar and Chemical Plants. With the above experience we are committed to provided technically advanced boiler systems.

  • Membrane walled construction forming gas tight water cooled enclosure improving efficiency.
  • Single pass boiler bank improving accessibility and eliminating baffles.
  • Two stage's superheating with inter stage de-superheater for achieving steady temperature output.
  • Special design of air heater to eliminate cold end corrosion.
  • Bagasse feeding system with bunkers and extractors for automatic combustion control.
  • Wet scrubbing system to meet the latest pollution norms.
  • Control System with features such as multimedia alarms in local language, easy interface for novice user, remote access capability and full-fledged M.I.S.

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., offers to design, manufacture, supervise erection and commission boilers on turnkey basis. 8000 TCD at Vuyyuru and 4000 TCD at Lakshmipuram, the Company is confident of supplying the best boiler systems.

Wide ranges capability:

Boilers of capacities upto 150 TPH, 80Kg/Cm 2and 515 oC.


Well-equipped workshop with the best-trained and experienced personnel in the industry. Commitment to meet the high quality and timely delivery of cost effective systems.

Track record:

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., have installed India's first 100 TPH bagasse fired Boiler in a record time of 12 months and the second boiler is scheduled in months time as planned.

Quality assurance:

K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd., is now aiming for ISO 9001 certification covering designs, manufacturing, supply, erection and commissioning of sugar plant equipment and boilers.

Design Engineering:

The rich experience of Avant-Garde Engineers and consultants (P) Ltd., goes into the design of each component of the boiler with optimization, stress analysis, predicted performance with code calculations like ASME, IBR, ISO0R831. Single source responsibility from concept to commissioning.

K.C.P.S & ICL have collaboration with BBCN for manufacturing of boiling house equipments like sweep type Evaporations , continuous vacuum Pan etc.

K.C.P.S & ICL is liasioning with LLSC, Bangalore for commercialising and packaging the H2S scrubbing technology for generation of power from effluent treatment plants for industries and urban wastes.

The EIMCO-K.C.P. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of K.C.P.S & ICL deals with the latest equipments for solid liquid separation i.e. clarifiers, Thickeners, Filters etc.

K.C.P.S & ICL inhouse R&D Dept. has developed and tested the following equipment, which now they offer to other sugar plants

1. Vertical 'U" Tube Crystalisers for Massecutie cooling.

2. Rotary Disc Screens for canal water cleaning.

3. Wetscrubber for flue gas cleaning.

4. Syrup floatation clarifier for removal of unwanted colouring matter in syrup.

5. Data Logging systems for various parameters like flow, Temperature, Crushing Rate etc., along with multimedia alarms in local language and information systems on windows NT Networks.

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